30 December, 2009

A year of photos.

A year of photography will be an interesting challenge. Rosie told me about this project, and it fit in perfectly with the goals and ideals that I am placing ahead of myself for this coming year. I am working on being a more dedicated individual, and making sure that I can post something each day, well... it just fits. Hopefully I can go through with it.

Rosie gave all the information you really need about the blog and her, so here is a little about me. I'm in University for my first semester.
That is a little about me.
My whole life is geared towards pursuing my goals, or my goal. I want to visit every country in the world, and everything else is a secondary goal.
Keeping with the dog in winter theme here is one of my sister Zara and my Aunt's Dog Maggie.
Lets hope we can keep this up!

- Fin

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